7 Legendary People Who Would Make Perfect Holy Grail Servants

Fate/Stay Night is every history major's wet dream. The summoning of legendary historic figures to battle each other feeds the imagination and makes you ask, "what if this person were a Servant?" Here are a few characters that just need to be summoned!

Charles Martel "the Hammer"

Class: Rider
Noble Phantasm: Defender of the Faith

Charles "the Hammer" is known as the father of heavy cavalry, or horse-mounted armored knights. Although he was influential enough to even be credited with starting the European Middle Ages, he never took the role of king. Instead, he fought back against Muslim invaders in France, ending their invasions for good in the famous Battle of Tours and ensuring another invasion of that kind would never happen again.


Yi Sun-Shin

Class: Saber
Noble Phantasm: The Dance of Military Triumph

Admiral Yi Sun-Shin was a naval commander of the Korean Joseon Dynasty and regarded as the most legendary general in the history of Korea. His greatest feat was during the Imjin War against the Japanese navy, using the world's first battleship made of iron called the Turtle Ship. He's often depicted with his extremely long twinswords measuring 77 inches long and weighing 12 pounds each. A sword dance ritual is credited to him, which he performed with his soldiers to gain the favor of the gods to grant him victory in battle.



Class: Archer
Noble Phantasm: Bawabil min Alssaham

Known as the first sultan of Egypt and Syria, Saladin was the greatest Muslim commander during the Crusades and the most famous adversary of Richard the Lionheart. The bow was his weapon of choice and he once challenged Richard to a contest with it. He pushed back against the western offensive and retook many of the Crusader's conquests, including the ever-sought Jerusalem, fabled to be the home of the Holy Grail. He was known for being so chivalrous the Crusaders respected him as a knight. However, his kindness was the death of him, having died of fever and poverty after giving away too much of his wealth. 


Class: Berserker
Noble Phantasm: Tyrfing

Killer of the grandson of Odin in Norse mythology, he took the cursed blade Tyrfing from his victim and forces his daughter's hand in marriage. With her, he fathers twelve sons, who go on to become berserkers of their own. His sword could cut through stone and iron as if they were clothes and its golden hilt ensured it never missed a strike. However, it is cursed so that it cannot be sheathed without killing a man. It is also fated to cause three great evils and manages to outlast all of its owners to complete its destiny.

Honda Tadakatsu

Class: Lancer
Noble Phantasm: Dragonfly Cutter

A Japanese daimyo who served under Tokugawa Ieyasu, he is referred to as the "samurai among samurai" as said by Oda Nobunaga. He is said to have never suffered a significant wound in his more than 100 battles. This is partly in thanks to his famous spear called the Tonbo-Giri, or Dragonfly Cutter, which was so sharp that it would kill a dragonfly that were to simply land on its tip.

Marcus Julius Brutus

Class: Assassin
Noble Phantasm: Sic Semper Tyrannis

Romanticized as Julius Caesar's greatest friend and betrayer. Brutus was a senator of Caesar's Rome who was one of the leaders of the plot to kill the Emperor. Despite the horrific act, the Senate, which was largely in on the conspiracy, allowed the assassins to walk free. The death of Caesar brought forth the decline of Rome and the eventual leadership of Nero Claudius, depicted as Saber in Fate/Extra.

Agnes Waterhouse


Class: Caster
Noble Phantasm: Satan the Cat

Also known as Mother Waterhouse, she was the first ever witch to be sentenced to death in a court. Her charges included cursing people and using black magic to murder her enemies. She is most known for her cat named Satan, who she claimed spoke to her as the Devil. This cat is said to have taught her all she knows about witchcraft and killed animals and even humans. She confessed to all of these crimes and was hung.

Know any historical or mythological figures who deserve to be Servants? Pitch your character! Make sure it has a class and a Noble Phantasm. Also, no gods! 

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