11 Times Hentai Aroused Our Funny Bones

Disclaimer: This post is NSFW. Please don't mimic what you read. These stunts were done by professionals.

Anime can be pretty weird


Via Smosh

But that's why we love anime!


Via PBH2


Do you know what's even weirder?





Now take my hand and let's embark on a lewd ride. Don't forget the music!

Disclaimer #2: We are serious, this is NSFW - do not read in public. Go play neopets instead.

1. Eye love getting some action


2. You've got mail!


3. It's not just me?



4. Tasty man bewbs


5. Viagra is super effective!


6. Meeeeoooow



7. After you drink a forty


8. Hold on, this might take some time 


9. Season's greetings!


10. That's some good Obamacare


11. Best pickup line ever!



And you know papi loves that tuna.

Share some of your bizarre hentai scenes! But remember, no nudity!

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